Sunday, August 26, 2007


Someone once told me that a bald woman is a liberated woman. I should be bald by that definition. But I am not because I guess I'm not as liberated yet. But I do know this much that I don't give a flying f*** to what anyone thinks of me or my actions. They are my own and not forced upon me. I chose to act the way I did and the consequences are exactly what I had expected them to be (at the back of my mind). I lost a few friends due to my actions and I do not regret it, for if they think I am capable of doing what I did with the reasons they think I had then I do not consider them worthy enough of my friendship. I am taking control of my life. I am arriving. I am the best. I am a woman who has finally found her way. I am free of all boundaries. I am rid of all my problems. I am free to do what I want. FINALLY.
Color me RED.

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